And We're STILL standing by....
This is turning into a damn Greek tragedy. Someone may actually end up dead by the end of this trip. More than likely it's going to be one of the non-C17-flying aircrew that is w/our little group. I don't care what you do when you're flying Capt Know-it-all, you're not flying this plane, so keep your mouth shut. Jackass. One of them actually started grilling one of the loadmasters about why the crew wasn't adjusting their crew day to get us downrange, which led to the crew commander talking to our troop commander, which led to more bitching on the part of said jackass aircrew. I may lose it on someone and blame it on PMS. Oh yeah, we're still at Ramstein. We actually made it out to the plane and SAT there for for close to three hours while they tried to fix the auxillary power that kept failing. They finally get that fixed, but the crew has gone past that point of being able to make the flight within their duty day (thus the grilling by the aircrew w/us). Ther...