A Day in the Life of a Fobbit

Fobbit: a person who spends their entire deployment on one Forward Operating Base (FOB) and never leaves the confines of the heavily guarded perimeter.

I thought I would give you all a glimpse into my daily routine. So, here it is:

0048: Get woken up by B-hut mate coming in from her shift. Very similar to the sound of a herd of elephants attempting the Sugar Plum Fairy dance from the Nutcracker

0530/45: Alarm goes off. Hit snooze at least three times before rolling out of bed and heading to the shower trailer.
-- Literally a conex shipping container that has been stacked on top of another conex shipping container. The lower container is the latrine - more on that later.

0630/40: Start walking to work. Salute multitude of officers along the way because there is only one main road that EVERYONE walks along. No short cuts here. Obviously the camp commander never walks anywhere, because if he did this stretch of walk-way would be a no salute area. Grab chow on the way to work

0700 - 1900: Work, eat, go to meetings just to get out of my chair, work some more, eat again, work till its time to leave for the day

1930 - 2030/2100: Work out, try not to fall off treadmill or hit self in head with dumbbell when distracted by extremely delicious eye candy (num, num)

After work out: shower, read/do sudoku puzzle, go to sleep.

That's pretty much it, with little to no variation. Rinse, lather, repeat


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