
I finally made it after spending almost four days in Germany sitting around the terminal. Eventually, I think it came down to timing - it was the last day of the month and the aircrew wanted to get their two months of tax free. (cynical? Who me?) I can't get into to many details of life here or what I do, but I can give the basics.

I live in a B-hut (I have not idea why it's called that). It is basically a plywood tent that has been divided into "rooms". My 'room' is about 6'x7'. I have a bed, a wall-locker, a lamp...really what more do you need? I work about a 20 minute walk from where I live, so I'm getting my exercise every day. Plus, I've been really good about working out everyday after I get off work. What I REALLY want to do is go right to bed, but I know I won't get up in the morning to work out so I force myself.

The food is deployed chow hall food. It's not really that different from the food I ate in Iraq. We aren't hurting for goodies though...just about everyone gets a box a day filled with junk food (chocolate melts in the summer, fyi).

All in all, I don't expect it to be that different from my previous deployments to Iraq.


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