Facial Hair

What is it about guys and facial hair when they are deployed? For some reason, the civilian guys (contractors or non-military types) come out here and go all ZZ-Top.

I'm all for a little bit of scruff or a well maintained, trimmed beard. Some guys can pull it off really well - there's one guy here we refer to as "Blackbeard". My friend asked (rhetorically of course) if I thought he would "shiver her timbers".

But the guys I'm referring to just let it grow wild. I almost asked one guy if he would turn my bottled water into wine (he had long unruly hair as well). There's one guy that does trim his beard, but if a very peculiar way. He trims the bottom of it at an angle, so that when you see him from the side, his beard forms a 45 degree angle from his chin. Add that it's red and he looks like an over grown leprechaun. It does keep his beard from bending when he tilts his head down ('cause beard crease is SUCH a faux pas) but I keep wondering if I catch him if I'll get three wishes.

And let's not forget the mustaches. My dad has had a big ol' 70's mustache my whole life, so I have nothing against them. Except for when they look like the guy is auditioning for a Ron Jeremy movie! There is no reason for the porn 'stache. This is a particular issue with Air Force aircrew. Is it rebellion? Is it 'cause you don't have to kiss your wife at the end of the day?

Here's a clue boys: it's not attractive and we're just making fun of you.


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